Personal data

Why a Charter for the protection of your personal data?

Your privacy is our priority (hereinafter “we”). In this regard, we are committed to respecting the personal data of our online users (hereinafter “you”), to treat them with the utmost care and to ensure the highest level of protection in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter “GDPR”) and the Law of 6 January 1978 as amended (hereinafter “French law”).

This charter informs you about :

– The personal data we collect about you and why we collect it,
– How we use your personal data,
– Your rights regarding your personal data and how to exercise them

Date of last modification: 08.04.2023

Glossary of terms frequently used in this Charter

Terms frequently used in this Charter Definition provided by the GDPR Explanations of terms in common language
Personal data (hereinafter referred to as “personal data”) Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as “data subject”); an “identifiable natural person” is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity. All types of information that relate to a natural person, that is, an individual, identifiable, directly or indirectly, as distinct from other persons. For example: a name, a photo, a fingerprint, an e-mail address, a telephone number, a social security number, an IP address, a voice recording, your website navigation data, data related to an online purchase, etc.
Treatment Any operation or set of operations that may or may not be performed by automated means on personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, limitation, erasure or destruction; Any use of personal data, regardless of the process used (recording, organizing, storing, modifying, linking with other data, transmitting, etc. of personal data). For example: the use of your data for order management, delivery, sending newsletters, etc..
Data controller The natural or legal person, public authority, department or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing The person, public authority, company or organization that has control over your data and decides on any use of it. It is he who decides to create or delete a processing operation and determines why your data will be processed and to whom it will be transmitted. He or she is primarily responsible for ensuring that your data is protected.
Processor The natural or legal person, public authority, department or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller; Any natural or legal person who carries out processing tasks on the instructions and under the responsibility of the controller.


By submitting personal data to the Site, you agree that We may collect and/or process, store and use such data in accordance with the rules set out below.

Why do we collect your personal data and on what basis?

Reasons for collecting your personal data Legal basis for the processing of your personal data

(All audiences) Marketing

Your data is used by Us to send you promotional offers by email and to keep you informed of its news

Your consent (article 6.1.a) of the GDPR)
(All audiences) Statistics Legitimate interest to process personal data of users and customers in order to improve the services offered and to have a better understanding of the target audiences (Article 6.1).f. GDPR)

We collect personal information about you for a variety of reasons. We collect and use your personal data to operate efficiently and provide you with the best experiences with its services. Please also be aware that we may only collect and use your personal data if such use is based on one of the specific grounds set out in the GDPR (for example, your consent or the performance of a contract with us). The table below lists the precise purposes for which we use your personal data and the corresponding legal basis.

Data that may be collected on the site

The personal data we collect about you depends on the nature and number of relationships you have with us, whether legal or not (e.g., visiting our website). Below we detail the personal data we collect during each of these interactions for each use we make as well as the reason for the collection, how it is collected (information directly provided by you or provided by a third party – direct or indirect collection).

– With regard to Users

Reason for collection Personal data collected Direct or indirect collection
Use of the site, comments, newsletter Personal identification data: Last name, first name, e-mail address, telephone number. Credentials: passwords and similar security information used for authentication and account access. Electronic identification data: IP address, cookies, connection records For this purpose, data is collected directly from you

The compulsory or optional nature of the data (to be able to finalize your registration and deliver our services) is indicated at the time of collection by an asterisk. In addition, some data is collected automatically as a result of your actions on the site (see the paragraph on cookies).

With whom do we share your personal data?

The personal data collected from you on the site is intended for use by us and the company from which you order products and services.

The latter has access to your name, first name, e-mail address, postal address and telephone number as well as to your orders but is in no case authorized to reveal them in a public way.

In the course of our business, we may share your personal data with IT service providers who assist us in providing our services from a purely technical perspective. Of course, we always do this in such a way as to guarantee optimal protection of your personal data.

This personal data will not be used by third party applications, nor will it be given to third party applications, other sites or other legal entities.

  • With public authorities, in response to lawful requests, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.
  • As part of a transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, consolidation or sale of assets, we may share your personal data with the buyers or sellers.

We never do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. And we never will.

Personal data are communicated :

to the service providers with whom we work for the execution of certain services offered for the previously mentioned purposes, and only to the extent necessary for the accomplishment of the tasks entrusted to them, namely Hostinger International Ltd – 61 Lordou Vironos str., 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus.

Location of personal data storage and security arrangements

The personal data collected by us are stored in the databases of its service providers, which are located within the European Union, namely Hostinger International Ltd – 61 Lordou Vironos str., 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We have determined specific rules regarding the length of time we retain your personal data. This duration varies according to the different purposes and must take into account possible legal obligations to keep some of your data.

Reason for collection Personal data collected Direct or indirect collection
(All Public) Account Usage Personal identifying information: Last name, first name, postal address, zip code, email address, telephone number Identifying information: passwords and similar security information used for authentication and account access. Electronic identification data: IP address, cookies, connection records Duration of the contractual relationship
(General public) Statistics Personal identifying information: Last name, first name, postal address, zip code, email address, telephone number Identifying information: passwords and similar security information used for authentication and account access. Electronic identification data: IP address, cookies, connection records 60 months

What rights do you have over your personal data and how can you exercise them?

We want to inform you as clearly as possible about your rights regarding your personal data. We also want to make it easy for you to exercise these rights. Below is a summary of your rights with a description of how to exercise them.

The right of access

You may request a copy of your personal data on our computer systems and all of the following information:

  • The categories of personal data we collect about you,
  • The reasons why we use them,
  • The categories of persons to whom your personal data has been or will be communicated and in particular those outside Europe,
  • How long your personal data is kept in our systems,
  • Your right to ask us to correct or delete your personal data or to limit the use we make of your personal data and your right to object to such use,
  • Your right to lodge a complaint with a European data protection authority,
  • Where we have not collected your personal data directly from you, information regarding its source,
  • How your personal data is protected when it is transferred to countries outside Europe.

How to exercise your right of access?

To do so, simply contact us by e-mail, with the subject “right of access: personal data”. Unless you specify otherwise, you will receive a free copy of your data in electronic format.

Your written request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of your identity card bearing your signature. The request must specify the address to which the reply must be sent. An answer will be sent to you within 1 month following the reception of the request, 2 months in case of a request requiring in-depth research or in case we receive a too important number of requests. You can also at any time directly consult your personal data by connecting to your account using your login and password, in the “My Profile” section

The right of rectification

You may request to correct and/or update your personal data.

How to exercise your right of rectification?

You just have to send us an email to indicating your name, first name and in the subject “right of rectification: personal data”. Don’t forget to indicate in the body of your e-mail the reason for it: the rectification of an inaccurate information, and the information to be modified.

Your written request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of your identity card bearing your signature.

The request must specify the address to which the reply must be sent. An answer will be sent to you within 1 month following the reception of the request, 2 months in case of a request requiring in-depth research or in case we receive a too important number of requests.

The right to erasure

You may also contact us at any time to request that we delete the personal data we process about you, if any of the following apply to you:

– Your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
– You have withdrawn your consent on which a processing of your personal data by us is based
– For your own reasons, you consider that one of the treatments pursued infringes on your privacy and causes you undue harm;
– You no longer wish to receive commercial solicitations from us; -Your personal data is not processed in accordance with the GDPR and French law ;
– Your personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under European Union law or under the national law to which we are subject;

How to exercise your right to erasure?

Just send an email to: indicating your name, first name and in the subject “right to erasure: personal data”. Also remember to indicate in the body of your email the reason for the email (e.g. deletion of your data when you have withdrawn your consent (on which the processing is based). Your written request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of your identity card bearing your signature. The request must specify the address to which the reply must be sent. An answer will be sent to you within 1 month following the reception of the request, 2 months in case of a request requiring in-depth research or in case we receive a too important number of requests.

However, we may not be able to accommodate your request to be forgotten. Indeed, it must be kept in mind that this right is not absolute. We must guarantee other rights, such as freedom of expression, compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, public interest reasons in the field of public health, archives in the public interest, statistics, scientific or historical research. Of course in this case we will try to give you the clearest answer possible.

The right to object

You have the right to ask us at any time to stop processing your personal data, if you can show serious and legitimate reasons. You cannot prevent us from processing your data in any way:

  • if the processing is necessary for the conclusion or performance of your contract. For example: your data must be processed to enable you to take the test
  • if the processing has been imposed by law or regulation. This is especially the case when you move to another municipality;
  • if the processing is necessary to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

You may object to the use of your personal data for commercial solicitations, and in particular, advertising actions.

How to exercise your right to object?

You just have to send an email to indicating in the subject “right of opposition: personal data”. It is important to state the reasons for your objection. You must also attach proof of identity.

Your request must – in principle – be accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document with your signature. We have two months to respond to your request for objection. If your request is unclear or does not contain all the information we need to carry out the requested operations, we will ask you to provide this information within this period. However, we may be able to accommodate your request. Of course, in this case we will make sure to give you the clearest answer possible. In addition, any e-mails or newsletters sent to you will include a link that you can click to opt out of receiving any further promotional information from us.

The right to digital death

You have the opportunity to provide us with instructions regarding the retention, deletion and disclosure of your personal data after your death. These directives can also be registered with a “certified digital trustworthy third party”. These directives, or a sort of “digital will”, can designate a person to carry them out; if not, your heirs will be designated. In the absence of a directive, your heirs may contact us to :

  • To access the processing of Personal Data allowing “the organization and the settlement of the succession of the deceased”;
  • Receive communication of “digital assets” or “Personal Data similar to family memories, transmissible to heirs”;
  • To proceed to the closure of your Personal Account on the Site and to oppose the continuation of the processing of your Personal Data.

In any case, you have the possibility to indicate to us, at any time, that you do not wish, in case of death, that your personal data be communicated to a third party.

The right to portability

This right offers you the possibility to control more easily your personal data and more precisely :

  • retrieve your personal data that is processed by us, for your personal use, and store it on a private device or cloud for example.
    – to transfer your personal data from us to another company, either by you or directly by us, provided that such direct transfer is “technically possible”.

This right covers both your actively and knowingly declared data such as your data provided to create your online account (e.g. email address, user name, age) and information collected by us.

How to exercise your right to portability?

You just have to send an email to indicating your name, first name and in the subject “right to portability: personal data”. Don’t forget to specify in your email the files concerned and the type of request (return of the data and/or transfer to a new provider). Your written request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of your identity card bearing your signature. The request must specify the address to which the reply must be sent. An answer will be sent to you within 1 month following the reception of the request, 2 months in case of a request requiring in-depth research or in case we receive a too important number of requests.

However, you should be aware that we have the right to refuse your portability request. Indeed, this right applies only to personal data based on your consent or the execution of a contract concluded with you (to know precisely which personal data can be subject to the right to portability: click on the purposes and grounds section). Similarly, this right must not infringe on the rights and freedoms of third parties whose data is included in the data transmitted following a portability request.

Is your personal data transmitted abroad?

Data transfer within Europe.

Within the European Economic Area (28 EU member states, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein), you should know that personal data benefit from the same level of protection.

We process your personal data on computer servers located in France.


In general, we use cookies to improve and personalize the site and/or measure the audience. Cookies are files stored on your computer’s hard drive while you are browsing the Internet, including the site. A cookie is not used to collect personal data without your knowledge but to record information relating to your navigation on the site which can be directly read during your subsequent visits and requests on the site.

If you choose to refuse all cookies, your navigation will be reduced to access certain pages of the site

The purpose of the cookies used is to enable or facilitate communication, to enable the provision of services requested by users, to recognize users on a subsequent visit, to personalize the site for users, to secure payments that users may be required to make, to record the language spoken by users or other preferences necessary for the provision of the requested service and to allow, internally, to carry out analyses of the frequentation of the information pages of the site in order to improve the content, to carry out a follow-up of the opening rates, the click rates and the bounce rates at the individual level.

By default, cookies are not automatically installed (with the exception of cookies necessary for the operation of the site and services, the installation of which is indicated by a banner). In accordance with applicable regulations, we will require your permission before implementing any other type of cookies. In order to avoid any inconvenience caused by these systematic requests for authorization, and to enjoy uninterrupted browsing, you can configure your computer to accept cookies or we can remember your refusal or acceptance of certain cookies. Please note that without some cookies, I cannot guarantee certain services. By default browsers accept all cookies.

When you access, by clicking on their banners or advertising links, third-party sites advertising on the site, or possibly when you view these advertisements, cookies may be created by the companies broadcasting these advertisements. Those third parties who may use cookies as part of our services (partners, advertisers or other third parties providing content or services available on the site) are responsible for the cookies they set and their cookie policies apply. I assume no responsibility for the possible use of cookies by these third parties. For more information, we advise you to consult the advertisers’ policies on the use of cookies.


As part of its services, we attach the utmost importance to the security and integrity of its customers’ personal data.

In order to ensure a level of security of personal data, in accordance with the French law n°78-17, known as “Informatique et libertés” and the European Data Protection Regulation n°2016/79 of April 27, 2016, we undertake to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of the data and in particular to protect them against any accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized dissemination or access, as well as any other form of illicit processing or communication to unauthorized persons.

To this end, we implement industry standard security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized disclosure. By using industry-recommended encryption methods, we take the necessary steps to protect payment and credit card information.

In addition, in order to prevent unauthorized access, ensure accuracy and proper use of data, we have put in place appropriate electronic, physical and managerial procedures to safeguard and preserve the data collected through its services.

However, no one can consider themselves completely safe from a hacker attack. This is why, in the event of a security breach, we commit to inform you as soon as possible and to make our best efforts to take all possible measures to neutralize the intrusion and minimize its impact. In the event that you suffer damage as a result of the exploitation of a security breach by a third party, we undertake to provide you with all the necessary assistance so that you can assert your rights and obtain compensation. Furthermore, if, exceptionally, the damage suffered is partly due to our fault or gross negligence, you may obtain compensation from us up to the limit of the liability set out in the general terms of use.

It should be kept in mind that any user, customer or hacker discovering a security breach and exploiting it may be subject to criminal sanctions and that we will take all measures, including filing a complaint and/or taking legal action, to preserve the data and rights of its users and its own and to limit the impact as much as possible.

In general, if you have any questions about the security of our website, please feel free to contact us at

Contact – Complaints

Do you have a question or suggestion regarding this Privacy Policy?

Do not hesitate to let us know by contacting us by email at

We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to respond as soon as possible.

Do you feel that we are not protecting your personal data sufficiently?

If you consider that I am not processing your personal data in accordance with the GDPR and French law you have the right to lodge a complaint with :

  • The data protection authority of the European country in which you normally reside, or
  • The data protection authority of the European country in which you work, or
  • The data protection authority of the European country in which the GDPR violation occurred.

File a complaint with the CNIL, the French data protection authority

You can send a complaint directly to the CNIL website or by mail to the following address

National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties
3 Place de Fontenoy –
TSA 80715
75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

File a complaint with another European data protection authority

To file a complaint with another data protection authority, please consult the list on the European Commission website.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

The present Charter of protection of your personal data can be modified at any time, in particular to take into account possible legislative or regulatory modifications and the evolution of our services. Important changes will be notified via our website or by email, if possible, at least thirty days before they come into effect. When we post changes to this Policy, we will revise the “last updated” date at the top of the Privacy Policy and describe the changes on the “Change History” page. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy to learn how We protect your personal information


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