
Beñat Marmissolle

Ultra Trailer

Trail with Beñat

Rejoins moi sur mes parcours préférés

Rejoins ma communauté de fans de trail et de grand espaces et découvrons ensemble les plus beaux parcours de la planète.

Big World Explorer

Towards new adventures

After winning the Diagonale des Fous in 2022, I have decided to compete in 2023 in the 3 most demanding 100 mile ultra trail races: Hardrock Endurance Run, UMTB and Diagonale des fous.

EN 2009, je commençais à courir

En 2022, je gagne la Diagolane des Fous

2023, un programme XXL

les 3 ultras les plus durs du monde... en 3 mois

  • En 2008

    à 28 ans j’ai commencé à courir avec mon frère.

  • En 2016

    je terminais 10ème des championnats du monde Skyrunning

  • En 2019

    je terminais 6ème du classement général de la Coupe du Monde de Skyrunning

  • En 2021

    je me lançais dans l’ULTRA TRAIL, et terminais 3ième de la Diagonale des Fous

  • En 2022

    je gagnais la Diagonale de Fous…

  • En 2023

    Vous me suivez pour un défi fou ?

Trail with beñat

A program to discover trail !


Coming soon
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An XXL program

Mon programme 2023

Attention, en suivant ce lien vous pourriez avoir un choc... Expérience à ne pas tenter seul chez vous 😉

Our Sponsors
And Supporters!

A few partners are helping me to finance my season. Having requested an unpaid leave of absence from my employer, I am still looking for sponsors and partners to accompany me in the coming years.



Frédéric Laharie Head of Sports Department Sud-Ouest Newspaper

Kindness and generosity do not prevent talent, it is even the combination that makes great champions. Let there be no mistake: Benat Marmissolle is indeed of this type.

After having been among the best in “sky running” (races at an altitude of more than 3000 meters and with a minimum gradient of 30%), the member of the Aviron Bayonnais has specialized in ultra-trails.

After a short period of adaptation, he reached the top, in every sense of the word, by winning the mythical “Diagonale des fous” on Reunion Island in October, a race for which he signed up at the last moment, despite the fatigue of a 6th place finish in Mont Blanc.

Third last year, the class and self-sacrifice of the Basque from Tardets spoke for itself, swallowing the 165 km and 10,000 meters of difference in altitude in 23 hours 14 minutes and 47 seconds.

Such a champion can’t stop there. New races abroad call him, always to compete with the best. For this, the Oscar of the year of the newspaper “Sud Ouest” for 2022 needs support. To leave, for a while, his work at the factory and the family farm, and find time to train even harder, to recover and to aim for new heights.

For all this, for the example he gives, Benat Marmissolle deserves to be helped in his quest for new heights.


je suis Beñat Marmissolle, ultra trailer français, vainqueur de la Diagonale des Fous en 2022. Je partage sur ce site mes aventures à travers le monde ainsi que ma passion pour la course, la montagne et la nature.

Trail with BeÑat

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