Friends, neighbors, acquaintances, trailers, and even people still unknown (but not for long) who chose to help me in this adventure by participating in Trail With Beñat…
Thanks to their gifts, their help, they accompany me during some trainings but especially they are with me on all the races, they run, climb, fall and who knows, maybe we will climb together on the podiums 😉
Thank you!!!
Honorine Marlats – Sébastien Choy – Nicolas Larrouy – David Etchecopar – Allande Pessans – Vivien Bilhou –
je suis Beñat Marmissolle, ultra trailer français, vainqueur de la Diagonale des Fous en 2022. Je partage sur ce site mes aventures à travers le monde ainsi que ma passion pour la course, la montagne et la nature.